
EDEN: End-user driven Demo for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosive (CBRNE)

Entidad Financiadora: Unión Europea (Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 313037).

Coordinador Principal: Clive Goodchild (BAE Systems (Operation) Ltd., United Kingdom)

Coordinador español: Carlos María Romeo Casabona (Cátedra Interuniversitaria Diputación Foral de Bizkaia de Derecho y Genoma Humano, Universidad de Deusto – Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU)

Consorcio: 39 organizaciones de 15 países.

Fecha de inicio del Proyecto: 1 de Septiembre de 2013.

Fecha de finalización del Proyecto: 30 de Agosto de 2016.

Resumen: In recent years, there has been a rise in accidental or deliberate (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosive) CBRNe events which have previously been considered as low probability events that might however have a big impact on the citizens and the society. The increase in CBRNe threats or hazards are very serious, and include chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals, biological agents, and radiological and nuclear particulate hazards that may inflict bodily harm, incapacitation, or even fatalities. The EDEN (End-user driven DEmo for cbrNe) Framework Seven Security Demonstration Project is an European Union collaborative project involving a consortium of thirty-six members across 15 countries, with BAE Systems as the project consortium lead. The consortium members comprise of six CBRNe domain end-users, major corporate stakeholders, large system integration and solution providers, including Small to Medium Enterprises and Research and Technology Organisations. The project will cover the whole cycle of CBRNe (prevention, preparedness, response) aiming at developing and ensuring the resilience capacity of the EU society. All demonstration efforts will be aimed at both integrating and coordinating existing EU capacities and competences. A key project aim will be to achieve the development of a «multi-facetted system of systems approach» that will provide an EU-tailored solution able to improve CBRNe-equipment resilience and allow enhanced interoperability between CBRNe operators.

Véase www.eden-security-fp7.eu